Monday, March 23, 2009

Who ate my free lunch?

"A free lunch is only found in mousetraps."
John Capuzzi

If there is one thing just about everybody loves, it's getting something for free. Something they didn't have to work for, something they didn't have to pay for, something that's just given to them. There is just nothing like getting a freebie.

At least that's what some people think.

People will eagerly stand in line for hours to get whatever gizmo, doodad or thingamajig someone else is giving away. If it's free, gratis or on the house, they want it. And it doesn't matter how cheesy the giveaway may be. When they stumble across a free just about anything, they jump all over it. Grab it with both hands. And feel like they have really scored.

Even though they could just go out and get the item on their own, the allure of getting something for nothing is just too much for them to resist. And while they have the ability to do so much better on their own, they just have to have the freebie... because it's free.

Good grief. I'm getting a headache.

"There is no free lunch."
Milton Friedman

Why do so many people openly embrace this free lunch mentality? What drives these freebie seekers? It's got to have something to do with the feeling of getting something for nothing. Something that was handed to them, something they didn't have earn.

These individuals are so busy scrounging for free stuff they fail to uncover the magic they hold within. Consumed with getting a free ride, they never realize they can have anything they want out of life if they would just go get it themselves. Not surprisingly, they miss out on the best life has to offer.

You cannot make this same mistake.

"When I discover who I am, I'll be free."
Ralph Ellison

If you're going to live your dreams, forget about the so-called free stuff. Let it go. Don't depend on others to shower you with gifts. And don't wait for good fortune to come your way. You need to seize control of your life right now and make something happen.

That means pushing yourself to do better, be better and see better every single day.

As corny as it may sound, you have been blessed with everything you'll ever need. More than enough strength to overcome the biggest obstacles you'll ever encounter. More than enough mental tenacity and toughness to overpower the fiercest foes you'll ever face. More than enough determination to overwhelm any feelings of doubt or insecurity that come creeping in.

It's right there, ready to turn your life around; ready to bring your dreams to life.

"The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time."
Thomas Jefferson

The best things in life are not freebies, but the freedoms that are frequently take for granted and oftentimes overlooked. Like your health, family, faith and beliefs. As well as the freedom to be, the freedom to see and the freedom to choose the paths you pursue in life. These are priceless possessions you need to hold close. And never let go.

The fastest way to get something is to go get it. If there's something you have always wanted to accomplish, you need to go get it. If there's something waiting for you out in the distance, you need to go and find it. You need to squeeze life with every ounce of energy you can muster, make the most of the moment at hand. And please never forget that God has blessed you with everything you'll ever need. It's right there inside of you. It's ready to make your dreams come true.

And here's the very best part of the whole deal. It's completely, totally 100% free.

The Bottom Line: Instead of looking for a hand-out, why don't you get busy getting what you want?

(article found at


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